$1 Books, Games + CD's at @BookOffNY

         LOVE places like this. Book Off is a buy/sell/trade store for your books, DVDs, CDs and games. The only unfortunate thing about these locations is that there is no database. This means that when you go in, you've got to cross your fingers and search for your book by topic and author. Still, it's a fantastic place to visit and walk around. They have sections for $1 for CD's and books. DVDs are as low as $3. They also have used gaming systems!  

      This is a cool place since you never know what you'll come across.  I'd recommend it for gifts. It's like thrifting, sorta. It's also a great place to get your movie and/or music collections together. I bought Destiny Child's 1998 self-titled, debut album for $1 :)  Also in the $1 section were Janet Jackson's Damita Jo, Lee Ann Rimes' You Light Up my Life (1997) Paul "Wine" Jones' Mule and The Best of Chopin.    For $5 plus tax, I got myself some blues, country, classical and R&B. I just really like music, yall.

    Low prices are fabulous for anyone. They are pivotal for researching or building up your collections - which can be extremely costly.  Books are rarely under $10 and the same goes for CDs. If you're looking to buy, I recommend a place like Book Off where you can really get your money's worth and spend some quality time thumbing through the artists of your genre. Meanwhile, you also learn a lot about whatever you're thumbing through. There are so many artists, writers etc. in this world & for just a simple dollar, you can learn about someone/something new. 

It's also a great palce to go and spend a dollar if you're in the city and bored :) Check them out at  49 W45th Street, NY, NY 10036.

Happy Shopping :) 

ELLA <3   

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