Photoshoot: #JTGazeModels - "Bish, I can do that, too."

I had a blast. 

 Had another photoshoot this weekend and, honestly... it's the most comfortable I've ever been in front of a camera my entire life. I love shooting with Jay of JT Gaze Models because he cares about getting a good shot. I love the clean editorial feel he goes for. He also has an online magazine called, Gaze. CLICK HERE to check it out! While Jay certainly gets his shit done, he knows best that it's not easy in New York City. Apparently, it's illegal to just shoot photos anywhere without permits and all that. Then, without paying for trailers/hotels, etc... you've got to figure out where to get hair and make up done. No matter the weather. And no matter who shows us --or doesn't.

The other best part about this shoot was my love, Roielle. I love how strong he is, as a person, because it helps me work. He's picky and judgemental. Some might take that offensive, but I meant that in the perfect way: it forces me to step my game up. Roi & I had a brilliant conversation about artists and performing in which he told me that he "makes people" like me. (He works with Sony on talent management and development.) I then pointed to a random white chick and told him to make her into me, then. He said he could. I say the challenge is on the table & I'm sure Roi didn't expect it to be. & I also say this is why we get along. The people who force you to be a better, more complete and resilient you, are the people you need to keep around. I'm a rookie at all this. I know I've got plenty to learn, but one thing I know is that there is only one Marjorie Marina Thousand. "ELLA" might be anybody... but now I know what I need to show the public. Thank you, Roi, baby <3

And so, to the general public: You've always got to be yourself, which is where my mind was in the shoot below. Not matter what goes on around you, you've got to be headstrong. People will doubt you, push you and underestimate you. This doesn't make them bad people, it simply provides you the opportunity to shine: If you so chose. I truly believe that when you're a star, you shine even when you don't want to. You shine until you die. You shine in the daylight whether they can see you or not, because somewhere on the other side, someone can still see how bright you are.

Keep your head up. 

& Try harder everyday <3

oh.. & warbrobe malfunction: my top really needed a safety pin. I considered retouching... but I have other sh*t to do.

 & this is only a selection of the photos. To see them all, check my Facebook: CLICK HERE.

#IDoThisForFun #RealLifeShit  #Enjoy 


To see more photos from this shoot, check my Facebook: CLICK HERE.

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